Wednesday, January 20, 2010


As I was sitting the foyer during the Seminary hour, praying mightly about some concerns I have about my life, I ended up at Mosiah 14, a favorite section of mine, where the people of Alma are enslaved by the Lamanites and former priests of King Noah. They were told that their prayers were heard, and that the Lord would ease the burdens upon their backs, that they would not even be able to feel them. But today I found my eyes drawn to a couple verses further down, where the people are being promised that on the morrow they would be delivered out of bondage. They were going to be blessed for their faith and their patience. I felt wrapped in peace and was comforted, my eyes filled with tears, as though this was meant for me.
Really? Is it time for my deliverance from this bondage I am in? It has been out of my hands. I will watch and wait.
I know the picture I drew is of 3 Nephi 1, when the believers are delivered from their execution date for believing in the prophecy of Samuel the Lamanite, that Christ will come into the world, born to be the Messiah. This is the image that came to me... .of Deliverance. They also believed, had faith and were patient, even when threatened. They were blessed with seeing the signs and wonders.
"God never bestows superior blessings upon a people, or an individual, without a severe trial to prove them"--Brigham Young
There is a moon up there in the sky somewhere, that you prolly can't see unless you click on the foto for a larger image.

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