Saturday, January 16, 2010


Life is full of wonderful things. Life is full of hardships. The world is full of beauty that needs to be noticed. Small moments that catch your eye need to be recorded, along with the thoughts that come from the moment that is now yours.

Two of my sisters have begun an Art Journal and I thought I didn't have time for such a wonderful thing, also being stymied by the thought that I can't draw a straight line with a ruler, but now, reality has hit. The need to notice the beauty of the world despite my hardships have come together. I do have time for quiet drawing at the end of my day to ponder, dream and create something beautiful.

This was my first attempt, not having any idea how or what to do or draw, I just lay a pencil of chalky pastel on its side and scribbled a sky, a yellow blob of...something....sand dune...or haystack... a couple vines and some simplistic birds in flight. I made the mistake of writing in black Sharpie, which is a wet medium, on a paper that requires dry medium. What I wrote was recently posted on a blog, so there is nothing new here.

Christmas trees are a thing of beauty, bringing me peace and a visual sense of feeling centered. We put ours up on August 20, 2009.

I love this portrait by Liz Lemon Swindle, titled "Seeking the One." In tribute to the Savior, I keep this picture on my piano now, along with one of the oil lamps Leigh Tribett made for our RS sisters. Though I don't have the Charity Never Faileth statement on my wall, I wanted it in the drawing simply for it's truth.
I light this lamp often, and spiritually keep one lit for Him, because, truly, He Came Looking For Me.

I had a very bad day. My children learned that I knew a few words that they didn't. This is my tin of Cornmeal, now dented up. The story is known by a select few. A very bad day, full words you don't use in polite company, but also full of prayer, tears, more prayer, and knowing that I have not been abandoned.

Yes, housework IS the bane of my existance, but since it must be done, do it with a light heart and a sense of fun. I do, indeed, own a leopard print broom, WANT a pink mop, want the Pink or purple vacuum, and the big Fly Lady ostrich feather duster. We keep purple latex gloves for dirty jobs. This one was fun to draw. I was in the laundry room when I noticed my broom hanging on the wall from those green knobs.

I am at a place in my life where I know there are things I am to do. Revelation is a powerful thing, but I am uncertain about a lot of things, and spend much time in mighty prayer, asking "what is my part? What am I to do? How do I do this? How about this? or this? or this?" And my answer has been, "No, no, nope, definately not, no, nada, yes." But the "Yes" answer means my answer is completly out of my hands. So I pray some more and ended up at D&C 5: 33-34 where it says, "And there are many that lie in wait to destroy thee from off the face of the earth; and for this cause, that thy days may be prolonged, I have given unto thee these commandments. Yea, for this cause I have said: Stop, and stand still until I command thee, and I will provide means whereby thou mayest accomplish the things which I have commanded thee." Okay. Stop and stand still. Prayer and opening the scriptures for answers is how the Lord and I communicate. I wanted to depict this time of my life. I love how this turned out, catching the gold edging on the pages and the thumbnail indentations. I tried to write small and get as many of the real words in each passage as was feasible. A challange, but rewarding. Be still my soul.

The kids and I were watching one of the Planet Earth dvds, about Seasonal Forests and it took us to Madagasgar, to view the Baobab tree. The blooms of this baobab tree begin as a banana-like tuber bulb, that suddenly begins to split open, and comes to full bloom in one minute's time.
I likened it unto my family, how change, big change, when it comes, must happen quickly, so as not to prolong Katie's agony, bless her autistic heart.
This flower was quite a challange to draw, all the curly-Qs that were once the outer shell of the flower. This foto did not do the drawing justice. I was quite pleased with the finished product.

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