Thursday, March 25, 2010

I dreamed that I could fly


fly dream and Dana 001

The other night I was having a dream that meandered  here and there as they do. I couldn’t see who was with me, but I knew someone was there.  I began floating and flying.  I turned to them and said, “You didn’t know I could fly, did you?  I do it only when people aren’t looking.”

Hmm… I wonder if the most wonderful and interesting things I do, I keep to myself?  Maybe so.

Today is a 2-fer day

fly dream and Dana 002

My friend Dana loves sandals and wears them only when it isn’t snowing.


  1. Hahahahaha! Teresa that is so true! I am a sandal girl!!! You crack me up! Cute sandles by the way :)

  2. hahaha! Look we both spelled sandals two different ways! :) LOL!!!

  3. We sure did!!! ROFL. My spel chek is foo.
